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Debt Recovery

Our Chelmsford based solicitors specialise in debt collection and debt recovery.

In these difficult times it is vital for businesses to maintain cash flow.

We understand that when you are not paid that this is frustrating and that you will often need to take steps as soon as possible to rectify the problem.

The Civil Procedure Rules require you to comply with certain protocols before you issue proceedings.

This means that you have to lay out your case and provide documents to the Defendants. We can help you formulate protocol letters and comply with the protocol. There are cost implications for not complying with the protocols.

We will then assist you in trying to obtain payment. If this fails we will draft up the Claim Form and Particulars of Claim for you.

Statutory Demands should only be used if there is no dispute. We will then assist you with the court procedure, obtaining Judgment and will then explain to you the enforcement procedures.

We will assist you in enforcing the debt.

This may involve the use of bailiffs or sheriffs. It may also involve putting a charging order against the property owned by the debtor and obtaining an order for sale.

We have experience in obtaining oral examination of debtors to obtain details of their assets.

We have experience in bankruptcy debtors and in liquidating companies.

We have acted for individuals, partnerships, small companies, large companies and for banks and other financial institutions, We provide a full debt collection service to our clients. Our experienced debt collection team have a deep understanding of the law and are committed to recovering debts in a timely and professional manner..

We provide practical and cost-effective solutions that can help our clients to obtain the money they are owed. We understand the financial strain that debt can cause and strive to provide a swift and successful resolution.