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A guy who is stressed with his hand on his head, he is wearing a grey shirt, Child Disputes, Civil Litigation, Cohabitation & Disputes, Construction Disputes, Debt Collection, Divorce and Claims Against Deceased's Estate, Employment Law, Drafting Wills & Lasting Power Of Attorney​, Terms and fees

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Our Services

Our solicitors in Chelmsford Essex provide a personalised, reliable legal service for individuals & businesses. From family to property law, we ensure the best advice & results.


- Divorce
- Separation
- Financial Matters arising from divorce and separation.
- Pre-Nuptial Agreements
- Separation Agreements
- Post- Nuptial agreements
- Advising on Lump Sum Orders.
- Property Adjustment Oder
- Pension Sharing Orders
- Spousal Maintenance
- Advice on Child Maintenance and the CMS
- Advice on how to split Pensions on divorce
- Pension Guide- W v H
- Advocacy
- Barder Orders.


- Child Arrangement Orders- formerly called Contact Orders, Custody and Residence Orders
- Specific Issue Orders
- Prohibited Steps Orders
- Prevention of Removal of Children from the jurisdiction.
- Cohabitation
- Dividing assets after Cohabitation ceases.


- Agreements
- Advising on what assets are subject to joint division and what is not.


- Obtaining and Defending Injunctions

Employment Law

- Unfair Dismissal
- Redundancy
- Representation in Employment Tribunals
- Settlement Agreements
- Maternity Entitlement
- Disability Discrimination
- Working Time Regulations
- ACAS negotiation
- Unions
- Age Discrimination
- Advice on whether you are an Employee, Self employed or a Worker
- Drafting Employment Contracts
- Drafting Workers Agreements
- Drafting generally
- Transfer of Undertakings
- Suspension from work
- Sex Discrimination
- Race Discrimination

Wills and Power of Attorney

- Drafting Wills
- Drafting Powers of Attorney
- Drafting Lasting Powers of Attorney Health and Welfare
- Drafting Lasting Powers of Attorney Property and financial affairs

Construction Disputes

- Advising Builders on Construction disputes
- Advising the customers of buildings on Construction disputes.
- Assisting in Arbitration.
- Advising on the Construction Protocol.
- Letters before Action
- Drafting Claim Forms and Particulars of Claim.
- Assistance with the Litigation Procedure.
- Enforcement of Judgements.

Debt Collection

- Advising on Pre-action Protocols
- Advising on Statutory Demands.
- Advising on drafting Claim Forms.
- Advising on drafting of Particulars of Claim.
- Advising on Civil Litigation Procedure.
- Advising on enforcement of Judgements including enforcing against bank accounts, shares, property etc.
- Making applications for Liquidation of Companies.
- Making applications for Charging Orders and Orders for Sale.
- Making applications for oral examination.

Civil Litigation

- Advice on all sorts of Litigation.
- Advice on Neighbourhood Disputes.
- Advice on Debt Matters.
- Advice on Property Disputes.
- Advice on Disputes with Builders.
- Advice on Disputes generally.
-Advice where a Person owes you money which you want to recover.​